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Student Learning Mathematics


Difficulties in math

​Dyscalculia is a learning condition that makes it challenging to comprehend and understand math. Symptoms range from difficulty counting and performing basic mental math to difficulties identifying time and determining direction.


Dyscalculia symptoms include:


  • relating a number to the amount it represents (the number 2 to two apples)

  • Backward and forward counting contrasting two quantities

  • Difficulties recognizing patterns, such as smallest to largest or tallest to shortest

  • Inadequate comprehension of the signs +, -, xx, and x may confuse these mathematical symbols.

  • May not grasp mathematical jargon or be able to create a strategy to tackle a mathematical problem.

  • Understands arithmetic terms such as greater than and less than difficulty.

  • Has difficulties calculating the total cost of products and may run out of money

  • You should avoid circumstances that need you to grasp numbers, such as playing math games.

  • Struggles to learn and understand reasoning methods and multi-step calculation procedures.

  • Lacks confidence in activities that require understanding speed, distance and directions. 

  • Struggles to find different approaches to the same maths problem, such as adding the length and width of a rectangle to solve for the perimeter.

Dyscalculia: Admissions
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