ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) is commonly diagnosed in school-aged children but is not just a child’s condition. Some adults develop the mess after they mature; others struggle without knowing they have it for many years without being diagnosed.ADHD can create an environment conducive to depression and anxiety, especially if left untreated.
There has been a large body of evidence linking untreated ADHD to other mental health challenges, including depression and anxiety. How does this correlation happen?
ADHD Increases the Risk for Depression & Anxiety
The common comorbidity of ADHD is that it often occurs concurrently with other problems. It has been found that people with ADHD are more likely to experience depression and anxiety.
The effects of an undiagnosed and untreated mental health disorder can worsen over time, cause worsening symptoms, and trigger other issues, including anxiety and depression.
People with ADHD may take dangerous risks as a result of their condition. These risks can result in unintended consequences, including problems with finances, work, relationships, and families.
People with ADHD are typically more impulsive than others. Since those with ADHD may act without fully understanding the consequences, problems can overwhelm the person, resulting in anxiety and depression.
Substance abuse is often associated with ADHD, particularly alcohol abuse. An individual who is addicted to alcohol is more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
You Get Better by Getting Better
It is a common saying among mental health professionals that “You get better by getting better.” It means that getting treatment can significantly improve a person’s quality of life regardless of their mental health issue.
ADHD can be controlled and limited in its adverse effects a person experiences, in its impulsive actions, in its interference with meaningful relationships and careers, and how it affects their ability to maintain meaningful relationships.
The likelihood of self-medicating (in the wrong way) decreases when life becomes more accessible. When patients receive adequate treatment and intervention, they do not have to rely on alcohol or drugs for relief. If substance abuse is eliminated from the equation, the individual can live a healthier lifestyle, improve personal relationships, and achieve their goals.
How to Find Help for Attention Deficit Disorder
Getting help from a skilled, caring professional can assist you in maintaining a positive attitude and making good life decisions. Positivity reinforces healthy decisions and opens doors of opportunity. People with more choices can accomplish more, reach out to others, and are less likely to succumb to depression or anxiety.
The opposite is also true. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, untreated ADHD can result in failed relationships, lost jobs, self-medicating with harmful substances, and depression.
It is pivotal that professionals be sought out, regardless of whether you are a concerned parent with a child who is struggling or an adult who handled childhood well but is now dealing with unresolved depression or anxiety, which could result from untreated ADHD or other conditions.
ADHD Therapist In GTA
You should contact us if you or a loved one suffer from depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues. We offer comprehensive, responsive care tailored to your individual needs.
We provide a customized treatment that addresses the underlying emotional issues causing your symptoms. You will never feel embarrassed to see a professional but relatively empowered.
Call (289)210-4670 today or send us a message to schedule an appointment or complete our online form to request a consultation with us. Let us help you take back control of your life.